Actually, California Has the Single Worst License Plate in the Country
Hey, hi, hello, it’s the Ivor Andrew team again, back to complain about more license plate designs. You might remember our gripe about how our home state has the single worst license plate in the country. Well, we’ve got another bee in our bonnet. All you other states can breathe a sigh of relief though, because we’re looking at you, California. Or more specifically, your utter failure of a license plate.
Why do we care about license plates so much? We’re a B2B marketing agency, and bad design insults us. Also, let us live? And then let us destroy this license plate.
Look at it!
Which typography choice is worse? Trick question, both are equally bad. One looks like it was engraved on the cheap in a bowling alley parking lot by a guy named Toni, and the other would enrage my 8th grade English teacher, a man who would take points off for anything not written in perfect cursive. “Califorma? Do better,” he’d write before deducting 5 points from California’s book report on “Dicey’s Song”. Please don’t make me call Mr. Novak.
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Sorry, I fell asleep while thinking about this license plate.
I’d harp on more specifics, but there’s really nothing to it, is there? It’s like someone forgot to design it and then said, “Screw it, just throw the name on there.”
I mean, California has so many memorable and cool things associated with it. The Terminator was your governor. There are only two species of tortoise that live in the desert, and your state reptile is one of them! Remember when people found lots of gold there? Pretty cool. That scene where Ryan Atwood is staring out the backseat window in the opening sequence of The OC? Iconic.
And your license plate is just some numbers and letters stamped onto a solid background. Woof. Fart noise. No thank you.
It looks like it was inspired by the movie Failure to Launch. As in, whoever designed this is probably pretty talented, but is also the equivalent of a rom-com era Mathew McConaughey character. They absolutely could do better, but they choose not to.
You’re better than this, California. Because we love you, you can feel free to flat-out steal one of the following license plate options for yourselves. Please. It’s yours. Take one.
1. “Redwoods” by Doug Carter
2. “Flag” by Doug Carter
3. “Sunset” by Doug Carter
4. “Gold” by Doug Carter
5. “Weekend at Big Bear” by Rafal Zielinski
6. “Locals Only” by Rafal Zielinski
7. “I Fell in Love the Evening We Drove Highway 1 in Your Yellow Convertible” by Rafal Zielinski
8. “Gold Rush” by Rafal Zielinski
9. “I Dream of the Silver Screen” by Alex Laniosz
10. “Malibu Murder Mystery” by Alex Laniosz