HGTV Farmhouse Signage: Manufacturing Edition

When you work in marketing, it’s easy to become jaded with the things you encounter on a daily basis. A poor attitude soon follows, and before you know it, you’re a fun-sucking wet blanket who whines about just about anything that comes to mind.

Because we were getting all high and mighty with a side of cranky about all sorts of clichéd words and phrases that riddle the manufacturing industry, we figured it was high time to change that poor attitude. 

What if those words and phrases we can’t stand actually had some beauty behind them? What if we took the warm, flowing and inviting aesthetic of the farmhouse sign to liven things up? What if the farmhouse clichés were never the problem? What if we were to blame? Wouldn’t that prove that these overused words still hold real meaning?

As it turns out, no. These clichés are still awful. SWEET VINDICATION.

Know what’s not awful? Satire. Hope you like it, because you’re about to get a heaping helping.


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